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The Soil and The Sea

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Daniele Rugo

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No Líbano, há mais de 100 valas comuns intocadas, que remontam à Guerra Civil, e milhares de famílias à espera de um osso para enterrar. The Soil and the Sea revela a violência que se esconde por baixo de um jardim, de uma escola, de um café, de um hotel e de outras paisagens banais. À medida que a câmara interroga estes espaços quotidianos, as vozes enchem-nos de histórias apagadas.


Daniele Rugo

Daniele Rugo is an award winning filmmaker and Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics. His film work focuses on conflict and sustainable peace. His previous feature documentary 'About a War' explores violence and social change through the stories of former militiamen from Lebanon’s civil war.


In Lebanon there are more than 100 untouched mass graves dating back from the Civil War, and thousands of families awaiting a bone to bury. The Soil and the Sea unveils the violence lying beneath a garden, a school, a cafe, a hotel, and other unremarkable landscapes. As the camera interrogates these everyday spaces, voices fill them with erased stories.

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