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A Fotógrafa do Vulcão

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Mar Navarro Llombart

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A fotógrafa da Portuguesa Hilda Rebelo foi esquecida pela história. A descoberta da sua existência resulta de uma pesquisa em torno das imagens e fotógrafos que imortalizaram a erupção do vulcão dos Capelinhos na ilha portuguesa do Faial, no arquipélago dos Açores, entre 1957 e 1958.


Mar Navarro Llombart

Mar Navarro Llombart has a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Jaume I University of Castellón. She has created and directed different award-winning ethnographic pieces in local and regional competitions in Spain and Portugal.


The Portuguese female photographer Hilda Rebelo has been forgotten by history. The discovery of her existence comes from a research around the images and the photographers that immortalized the Capelinhos volcano eruption on the Portuguese island of Faial, in the Azores archipelago, between 1957 and 1958.

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