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The Skin of Our Memory

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Coral Piñeiro, Laura Piñeiro

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Uma rapariga de Vilagarcía escreve uma carta a Mariví Villaverde, filha do presidente da câmara republicana da sua cidade. Mariví teve de se exilar quando tinha 14 anos, devido ao golpe de Estado de 1936. A rapariga, quase 90 anos depois, interroga-se: será que as suas vidas têm alguma coisa a ver uma com a outra? Será que os vestígios das pessoas e das histórias que nos precederam são visíveis nos sítios onde crescemos?


Coral Piñeiro, Laura Piñeiro

Laura and Coral Piñeiro are twin sisters graduated in Audiovisual Communication, the former specialising in Film Editing at the Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya. After making their first short documentary Dores, selected at DocsBarcelona and awarded by the public at the OUFF, they directed part of their career to the treatment of the past and historical memory, creating the Asociación Memoria y Cine to use this medium as a way of connecting with our past.


A girl from Vilagarcía writes a letter to Mariví Villaverde, daughter of the republican mayor of her city. Mariví had to go into exile when she was 14 years old because of the coup d'état of 1936. The girl, almost 90 years later, wonders: do their lives have anything to do with each other? Are the traces of the people and stories that preceded us visible in the places where we grew up?

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