The Mechanics of Fluids
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Em 2018, um incel chamado Anathematic Anarchist publicou uma carta de suicídio no Reddit intitulada "A América é responsável pela minha morte". The Mechanics of Fluids é uma tentativa de encontrar respostas para as suas palavras. Uma deriva virtual pela Internet em busca dos seus vestígios digitais que acaba por ser uma viagem interior entre as nossas solidões conectadas.
Gala Hernández López

Artist filmmaker and researcher based in Paris and Berlin. Particularly interested in approaching from a feminist, poetic and critical prism the discourses and imaginaries that circulate in eminently masculine online communities. her mid-length film La Mécanique des fluides is the first of a series of experimental audiovisual essays that will be followed by Cashflow Quadrant, both proposing a reflection on the politics of the representation of contemporary masculinity on the internet in its articulation to algorithms and digital flows of data, signs and capital.
In 2018, an incel called Anathematic Anarchist posted a suicide letter on Reddit entitled "America is responsible for my death". The Mechanics of Fluids is an attempt to find answers to his words. A virtual drift through the internet in search of his digital traces that ends up being an inner journey between our connected solitudes.